Providing the tools for More Profit and Less Stress in your business.
Do you have the business knowledge to be in the
top 5% that succeed?
Click the link below to find out.
Has Business Become
Nothing More Than...
The Worst Part...
It's your family that suffers the most.
You're giving your best to everyone else.
You don’t feel like you have a choice. The Business needs to come first because that's what pays the bills... barely…
You can feel like you are working only to make payroll, rent and taxes…, leaving your family to survive off what's left over.
But it was never supposed to be like this.
Owning a business was never supposed to be about the “hustle and grind.” It was supposed to be about freedom, being your own boss, making money, making a difference…
The answer isn't
Look, owning a business is HARD, and it destroys marriages, families, and often leads to corporate and personal bankruptcy.
Most think the key to success is working harder… (because 60 - 80 hour weeks aren't long enough…)
The real "SLAP IN THE FACE" is that working harder isn’t the answer.
The harder you work, the more you find yourself on shaky ground because the business is dependent ON YOU to function.
So I guess you should just sell more... Right???
Which is great, unless your margins suck...
Or you have no idea of your ATV, UPT, conversion rate, retention rate...
Or what product or service is ACTUALLY making you NET PROFIT and not just REVENUE...
You could actually be selling yourself into bankruptcy. (Or what we like to call, "slow motion business suicide").
Working harder and selling more simply means you don't own a business...
All you have is a low-paying, highly stressful job that takes everything from you.
Good News
You can fix that FAST !
Here are others who started where you are now.
This Changes Everything
It's all about RESULTS
We have helped hundreds of businesses, all over the world and in almost all industries, hit record profits, free up their cashflow and most importantly break free of the prison and EARN their freedom back.
It all starts with the
Forzani Freedom Formula™
Which is a whole new way of building a business.
Perhaps the name Forzani sounds familiar. Back in 1976, Forzani's Locker Room started as a small shoe store in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. From there, after many challenges and successes, it grew to over $1.6 Billion in annual sales before it was sold to CanadianTire in 2011 for $780 Million Dollars (and it wasn't for real estate...).
From being a part of that journey, the "Forzani Freedom Formula™" was born.
Since then, we have taught, evolved and adapted this formula to hundreds of business owners all over the world, who use it to get what they want out of their business and live life on their terms.
It is the Ultimate
Business Training Program
This program has been tested again and again, industry after industry, with great success with literally everyone who applies it.
It was designed around the express purpose of STOPPING the massive business failure rate and teaching the "rules of the game" so EVERYONE who wants to can play to win, vs play to hopefully survive.
We are making this formula available to everyone who wants it so we can transform small business success all over the world and make economies great again.
The best part, this program is a FRACTION of what you would pay for a "college-level education" (that often doesn't apply to your business) and it avoids all the pain of having to go through the school of "hard knocks", while saving you years of time trying to figure this all out on your own.
But it's not for everyone
Because most people won't put in the work the formula requires (though, funny enough, it doesn't add to the workload, it shows you what to do so you can get more done and make more money in WAY LESS time).
Most people let "what they know" get in the way of learning a better way. They are content working long hours away from their families, hoping that one day it will all pay off, while stuck in the trap of "we've always done it this way".
Most people are content to brag about revenue and sales while going home with table scraps. They dream and talk about living a life of freedom, but they never actually make it happen while always hoping it will come "tomorrow".
Most people have too much ego and are afraid to get help and suffer in silence because they don't want to look foolish (especially those who own businesses because you feel like everyone around you looks up to you).
Most people end up slaving away in their business for years and end up selling for pennies, only to retire on their small savings accounts and a part time job, praying the basic living costs don't go up...
But you are NOT
most people
Since you have come this far, you've proven you are not most people and you want something better for yourself.
You need the "Forzani Freedom Formula™
Where you will learn...
We are going to show you how to understand the numbers in a business as though you only had a grade 9 education. You will know how to make profit quickly and easily.
A successful business is an easy to duplicate business. Once you learn the simple steps to systemization, you will grow faster than you dreamed possible.
We are going to show you how to quickly hire rock star employees, ensure they stay with you and never want to leave.
You can only grow as far as you allow yourself to grow. Said differently, your business can't outgrow the leader's development. You are going to learn how to master yourself and easily teach your team how to do it, too.
Personal and Business Success
You are going to learn the rules of the game so you can truly live life on your terms and go as far and as fast as you want to go.
If you haven't done so already, click the botton below and watch the video.
This video will also cover your questions like:
Stuff like that - you know, the questions I would want to ask if I was in your shoes reading this and it seems too good to be true…
Others who have
gone before you